Soutien à Alberto Casillas

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On september 2012 the 25th, while spanish police was trying to disperse people who has gathered in Madrid to protest against austerity, you "Alberto Casillas Asenjo" interposed yourself to prevent the police from entering in your bar where protesters took refuge.
4 days later, during the 3rd manifestation for 4 days, police tried to identify protesters in your etablishment. One more time, you tried to prevent the police from doing this and you have been victim of a discomfort.

Throught this petition which has done an european tour, we want to show you our admiration and our gratitude for a move which make us hope in a better Man kind, brave and denial.

You are a civic disobedience model.

Thanks to you !

European people.

Bon voila l'anglais, si quelqu'un pouvait jeter un coup d'oeil à la syntaxe et vocabulaire. Ca me rassurerait ^^.
"Un peuple prêt à sacrifier un peu de sa liberté pour de la sécurité, ne mérite ni l'une ni l'autre et n'en obtiendra jamais aucune" - Abraham Lincoln