To view and manage all notifications

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To view and manage all notifications (Click on images to enlarge it)

1) On top of page, click on the notifications's icon (bell)
1 - Notifs, see it all and delete.png

2) Click on "See all notifications"
Here are displayed all notifications.
2 - See all notif - Notifs, see it all and delete - Capture du 2016-09-08 09-45-16.png

- Click on the link to access a notification, for example a comment, a response posted on forum, etc.
- Roll your mouse on a notification and, to delete it, click on the cross which appear on its right.
3 - Delete - Notifs, see it all and delete - Capture du 2016-09-08 09-45-16.png

4) Click the "Delete all notifications" button at the bottom if you wish not to keep any of it.
4 - Delete all - Notifs, see it all and delete - Capture du 2016-09-08 09-45-16.png
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