La Charte. [dernière vérif svp ->"english" -> "terms"]

Charte en français :

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Traduction approximative à faire revoir par des pro :

Conditions of Use

Thechangebook is a self-managed network for exchange of ideas, links, dialogue and reflections in the respect for others, privacy, data and the largest possible freedom of expression. However, freedom stops where begins malice: this charter, set up by administrators and voluntary participants, therefore aims to set clear limits. A moderation college consisting of members of the site, enforce these rules transparently; as such, moderation is auditable on request and open to users who request it on validation of team members

By validating your registration, you acknowledge having read the charter, and accept the terms. You therefore undertake to respect the criteria of the charter. Thechangebook's moderation taking place on post, you agree that the information you post there can be a compliance with the charter by the team.

- You are informed that the publications contents that violate laws are solely between you and expose you to criminal prosecution in the case of third party complaints. The administrators and moderators of Thechangebook can not be held responsible (except for published items by themselves).

Thechangebook presents clear values and positioning by refusing any connection with the fascist currents (nationalism, Stalinism, etc.) and remaining vigilant toward those who do not stand out from it (conspiracy, confusionists, etc). Moderation's criteria on TheChangeBook are therefore based on the respect of each, and aim to strongly urge all forms of discrimination to go to express themselves elsewhere on the net as much as it would create a return flow gradually degrading network's quality.
Thus, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, pornographic, sexist, revisionist, harassing, sectarian words/links/publications are recognized as cBreach of charter and thus will justify a moderation intervent. The trivialization of such practices and behaviors of blatant trolling (insult and other repeated provocation, etc.) also


Thechangebook is a humanist network with the ambition to gather all the good ideas and intentions to build solutions in a context of respect. So :

- Sending repeated invitations or unsolicited messages (insults, political proselytism, religious, etc.) is considered as a form of harassment. Any member already identified and banned under a new nickname will be again banned from the network.

- To comply with copyright laws, you are required to cite your sources for any publication or drawing picture. Before releasing any work found on the net, make sure it is not subject to copyright, or that the author was not robbed (erased signature, forged...).

- TCB is a free advertising network; However, ethical or artistic promotion is tolerated as long as it complies with network members by not publishing excessive links / images of its business.

If you object to a moderation decision, please follow this process: contact moderation (via private message, email or mumble) and indicate why you are disputing the decision. You will have the opportunity to interact with the team, which will decide, following this discussion to cancel or maintain its original decision.
Récriminer n'est pas proposer
Le texte relu et corrigé tel que reçu de my friend in London

Here below " Condition of use" in english
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Conditions of Use

Thechangebook is a self-managed network for exchange of ideas, links, dialogue and reflections with respect for others, privacy, data and the largest possible freedom of expression. However, freedom stops where malice begins: this charter therefore, set up by administrators and voluntary participants, aims to set clear limits. A moderation college, consisting of members of the site, enforces these rules transparently; as such, moderation is auditable on request and open to users who request it on validation of team members.

By validating your registration, you acknowledge you have read the charter, and that you accept its terms. You therefore undertake to respect the criteria of the charter. As Thechangebook's moderation takes place by post, you agree that the information you post there can be compliant with the charter by the team.

- You are informed that publications contents that violate laws are solely your responsibility and expose you to criminal prosecution in the case of third party complaints. The administrators and moderators of Thechangebook can not be held responsible (except for published items by themselves).

Thechangebook presents clear values and positioning by refusing any connection with current fascist groups (e.g. nationalism, Stalinism) and remains vigilant toward those who do not represent those values (conspiracy, confusionists, etc). Moderation criteria on TheChangeBook are therefore based on the respect of each individual, and aim to strongly urge all forms of discrimination to express themselves elsewhere on the net, as it would create a bck flow gradually degrading the network's quality.
Thus, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, pornographic, sexist, revisionist, harassing, sectarian words/links/publications are recognized as Breach of charter and will justify and trigger a moderation event. The trivialization of such practices, and behaviour such as blatant trolling, insult and other repeated provocation will also trigger moderation.

Connexe ????

Thechangebook is a humanist network with the ambition to gather all the good ideas and intentions to build solutions in a context of respect. So :

- Sending repeated invitations or unsolicited messages (e.g. insults, political proselytism, religious rhetoric) is considered a form of harassment. Any member already identified and banned under a new nickname will be again banned from the network.

- To comply with copyright laws, you are required to cite your sources for any publication or drawing or picture. Before releasing any work found on the net, make sure it is not subject to copyright, or that the author was not robbed (erased signature, forged and so on).

- TCB is a free advertising network; However, ethical or artistic promotion is tolerated as long as it complies with network members by not publishing excessive links / images of its business.

If you object to a moderation decision, please follow this process: contact moderation (via private message, email or mumble) and indicate why you are disputing the decision. You will have the opportunity to interact with the team, which will decide, following this discussion to cancel or maintain its original decision.
Tu remercieras ton ami de ma part, stp?
Oui, un grand merci à tous les deux,
j’espère être en mesure de l'intégrer d'ici demain ou après demain.
C'est top, grâce à vous, on avance Smile
Récriminer n'est pas proposer
C'est d'ores et déjà visible ici :
(mettre le profil version English, drapeau en bas à gauche derrière la barre d'outil (le faire ailleurs que sur le mur commun pour pas courir derrière Happy ) ou dans la langue du profil.

J'ai pas trouvé d'autre solution que d'utiliser les annoucements pour que ça passe directement dans la langue du profil, s'il en existe une autre mieux, dites moi, les admins tech Smile
Désolée, Dan, après copié collé de l'original, les paragraphes n'étaient pas pris en compte, et j'ai pas su faire autrement qu'avec des br. C'est d'ailleurs trop espacé, mais je sais pas faire mieux. Je ferais une formation à l'occas.

J'ai pas encore remplacé les liens vers la charte (/terms actuel) par celui-ci, je le ferais sauf objection d'ici demain ou après demain...
Récriminer n'est pas proposer
Version intégrée Smile
Merci à qui voudra bien faire le travail de verif/correction post publication en basculant son profil sur "english" (tout en bas du site derrière la barre d'outil, petit drapeau ou par le langage du profil) puis en cliquant sur "terms" quelque cms vers le milieu en bas, ou dans le menu "about the network", puis "terms".)
Récriminer n'est pas proposer
Il me semble que ça marche au poil Wink
Miyette a dit...

Version intégrée Smile
Merci à qui voudra bien faire le travail de verif/correction post publication en basculant son profil sur "english" (tout en bas du site derrière la barre d'outil, petit drapeau ou par le langage du profil) puis en cliquant sur "terms" quelque cms vers le milieu en bas, ou dans le menu "about the network", puis "terms".)

Sur la version mobile :

- pas de barre d'outil en bas, pas de petit drapeau ni,de choix de langage, dont pas possible de basculer sur l'"english et lire the "terms"
- pas même la liste des membres en ligne....
- pas possible d'insérer visuels ou photos
Alljade a dit...

Sur la version mobile :

- pas de barre d'outil en bas, pas de petit drapeau ni,de choix de langage, dont pas possible de basculer sur l'"english et lire the "terms"
- pas même la liste des membres en ligne....
- pas possible d'insérer visuels ou photos

ha sur mobile...
la liste des membres qui ont bien voulu s'identifier présents tu les as en cliquant sur tchat, dans le menu. Pour le reste, je regarderais mais c'est fort possible. C'est quand même une version réduite
Récriminer n'est pas proposer